"We aim to make the design, build and maintenance of projects more efficient and cost effective for our clients"
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nik barrow • July 1, 2019
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CFL is a midlands based company managing project client throughout the UK, with the use of virtual Engineering we produce fully co-ordinated clash free models and information for approval and for construction.
6 Regents Court
Far Moor Lane
Redditch B98 0SD
0121 744 6021 info@cfl-cad.co.uk
VAT number 938730495
Company registration number 6503276
CFL is a midlands based company managing project client throughout the UK, with the use of virtual Engineering we produce fully co-ordinated clash free models and information for approval and for construction.
6 Regents Court Far Moor Lane Redditch B98 0SD
Company registration number 6503276
VAT number 938730495
0121 744 6021 info@cfl-cad.co.uk
CFL is a midlands based company managing project client throughout the UK, with the use of virtual Engineering we produce fully co-ordinated clash free models and information for approval and for construction.